Early insights from our measuring systems change cohort 🧠
Hello everyone!
We’re excited to share some emerging insights from our Measuring Systems Change Cohort!
About our cohort:
Our cohort is 23 changemakers strong, comprised of leaders from across government, development, academia, and philanthropy committed to exploring alternative ways to measure systems change.
What have we done so far?
To kick off our journey, we have been using the Community Weaving Framework to break the ice between individuals within the cohort, build bridges, and spark connection and curiosity. This framework was developed by Erin Dixon, Fabian Pfortmüller, Michel Bachmann & Sita Magnuson.
Our Fire: What brings the measuring systems change cohort together?
We are most curious to learn about…
How we might leverage technology or AI to support us in our efforts to track systems change
Exploring ways to identify systems change within shorter time horizons or as it is happening
How we might leverage real-time insights to adapt behavior and interventions within global development and social impact projects
Prioritize learning from folks and collaborating with M&E practitioners from the global majority world
Exploring the role and influence of social impact bonds
Examining participatory evaluation models and how they might offer a more comprehensive and objective understanding of how systems behave
What’s next for us?
We are exploring potential learning inquiries to guide our work. Inquiry-based learning is a learning approach that encourages learners to explore personal curiosities and our “sticky problems” through hands-on investigations.
📣 Interested in continuing to receive real-time updates on the insights and experiments coming out of CPI’s Collective?
Follow our Substack for stories of change, experiment updates, and more. We can’t wait to meet you on this journey.
Naja & CPI’s Collective